Mini honeycomb honey is specially made only for Mr.Bee customers.
Mini honeycomb is an ideal choice, both for a gift and if you want to please your family members with a
different taste.
Pollen, rich in more than 300 substances and elements, A and B vitamin complex, is 12
times stronger than honey. In addition to strengthening the immune system, it increases
the height of weak children. This honey product increases the level of blood of patients
with anemia.
Propolis, having antivirus properties, is a natural tool used against fungous.
Propolis, considered as the most powerful natural antibiotic, destroys 136 types of
viruses and bacterias.
This product, called the elixir of youth, delays aging and prolongs life. Royal Jelly is a
water-soluble, cream or white colored, and sharp-smelling substance. Royal Jelly,
considered as the curing medicine of thousands types of illnesses, has infinite number of
benefits for human organism.